Sunday, March 15, 2009

pen and paper

Pen and paper..the standard  on which any pc's,softwares,laptops,palmtops....etc.should be it up...then draw,paint....write....compose,I could even say to throw it away if you cant think of any thing to write on it,liked to have thrown  mine come to think of it,but that would be as irresponsible as cutting up trees to make paper eh? irresponsible especially that we could have used a recycled paper...which probably brings me to my first point...pen and,its just tools...why do i need to know how was it made,how does it work,how do i use it ..and of course somewhere a WHY ...I mean c'mon its..a... tool.creation is probably more on what i want to waste my time on..creating s'mn with that you might have guessed i dont use it that much for writing he he he,when did it start that we show tools...our watches,cell phone ,cameras,guitar,computer,cars..etc,rather than the work done with that tool...wasn't it supposed to be the driver not the car? in local parlance "dekwatro makina,de otso drayber" (the engine's a 4 cylinder the driver has eight!).Yet it could be said on how can you compare a two cent tool (pen and paper) to another thats costing a many thousand of  dollars more (liquid cooled,multicore,overclocked in seasons...enough memory to run what you WILL be forgetting,while running  every vector and position of evey particle in the light your seeing now...,sniff! such a beauty,PC)..well i think i can compare it by this. Pen and paper have ruined and rebuilt better civilizations for thousand of years,have produce great work of arts and the most damning of letters...etc.But we could say well its the men...yes,same as and their tools...when can i just open a computer...then just do...then show....not the "with what"...not the how..Ummm maybe i can tell the why.